• Thomas Edison.
  • Petter Higgs.
  • Werner Heisenberg.
  • Albert Einstein.

Состаноци и настани


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To be announced


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Conference program will be announced before the start of the conference


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After peer-review process part of the accepted papers will be published in PHYSICA MACEDONICA, which is an official publication of the Institute of physics, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University Ss. Cyril and Methodius – Skopje.

The accepted papers dedicated to physics education and teaching will be published in MACEDONIAN PHYSICS TEACHER, publication of the Society of Physicists of Macedonia.

Click here to download manuscript template 








There are no translations available.

After peer-review process part of the accepted papers will be published in PHYSICA MACEDONICA, which is an official publication of the Institute of physics, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University Ss. Cyril and Methodius – Skopje.

The accepted papers dedicated to physics education and teaching will be published in MACEDONIAN PHYSICS TEACHER, publication of the Society of Physicists of Macedonia.

Click here to download manuscript template 

Please submit the full version of your paper latest by September 25th 2014 to Оваа е-пошта е заштитена од spambots, треба да вклучите JavaScript за да ја видите







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